Welcome to the Concierge Customer Support Program

Certificates of Analysis
Click Here for Lot #0071269
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for all canines, one dog at a time
From your dashboard, you can connect directly with one of our Veterinary Professionals that are Certified to help you get the most out of our Hemp Signature Blend. Once you submit your question one of our Veterinary Professionals will respond within 48 hours. From your dashboard, you can also
read through our Extended FAQ’s and learn about why the science behind our Hemp Signature Blend makes it the best on the market for your family of fuzzy kid!
Have you familiarized yourself with our scientific-based dosing plan? If not head on over to our Advanced Dosing Calculator to learn the importance of science-based dosing and to use our easy-to-use Advanced Dosing Calculator.
Remember we are here for you every paw print of the way!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to Contact Us.